R.I.D.E : Rapid Insights Data Engine


RIDE helps you with rapid data prototyping with just few clicks. Upload your dataset, explore multifaceted data analytics, visualize trends, and leverage machine learning, all backed by the power of AI and No-Code environment.

Python Streamlit Langchain OpenAI API No-Code

Prepup-Linux : Open-Source Python Package

Prepup Package

An open-source package built on the Polars Library, for data inspection, exploration, visualization, and preprocessing tasks directly on the terminal. Supports multiple file formats (.csv, .excel, .parquet).

Polars Dask Python Sklearn

GoDaddy Microbusiness Density Forecasting

Kaggle Competition

Achieved Top 24% globally in Kaggle competition, implementing Time Series Forecasting models with 98.44% accuracy in predicting microbusiness forecasting.

Time Series Analysis CatBoost XGBoost LightGBM

Soccer Analytics: La Liga Match Predictions

Soccer Analytics

Deep learning project analyzing La Liga soccer data, featuring interactive visualizations and match outcome predictions using PyTorch. Created a comprehensive dashboard for team performance analysis.

Data Visualization PyTorch Plotly Web Scraping Deep Learning

Fraudulent Transactions Detection

American Express

Explored machine learning algorithms for detecting fraudulent transactions using the American Express Kaggle dataset. Implemented XGBoost, CatBoost, and logistic regression for accurate fraud prediction.

Data Visualization XGBoost CatBoost Plotly Statistical Methods

Pizza Shop Database Management

Pizza Shop Database

Developed a comprehensive database management system utilizing both SQL (MySQL) and NoSQL databases (MongoDB, ArangoDB, Neo4j) to handle diverse data types and optimize specific functionalities.

MySQL MongoDB ArangoDB Neo4j Aura

High-Performance Sorting Algorithm

High Performance

Implemented parallelized sorting algorithms and conducted scaling tests on High Dimensional Data, focusing on performance optimization and efficiency.

Python Sorting Algorithms Parallelization Statistical Methods